Nutrition, eating and wellbeing in ageing societies

What are the challenges related to nutrition, eating and wellbeing in ageing societies.

Last modified: 02.05.2018

And how can China and the Nordics learn from each other? See the presentations and summaries from the conference "Eating, welbeing & nutrition in ageing societies Nordic & Chinese perspectives held in Shanghai at the Nordic centre at Fudan University, April 16, 2018

  • Official opening. Magnus Jorem, programme manager of Nordic Centre made some brief welcoming remarks, mentioning the importance of the topic at hand to both China and the Nordic region, before introducing the Consul General.
  • Welcome address. Consul General Nicolai Prytz, Innovation Centre Denmark, Shanghai. Abstract
  • Malnutrition in the elderly – what do we know. Professor Jianqin Sun, Huadong Hospital at Fudan University. Slides
  • Why is it important to monitor intake among hospital patients? Case of Zhongshan Hospital, Gengsheng He, Professor, Fudan University. Slides
  • How digital welfare support technologies can remedy undernutrition  – case insights from DIMS and NutriDia programs, Bent Egberg Mikkelsen, Dept of Learning & Philosophy, professor Aalborg University. Abstract.  Slides
  • Human resources for nutritional support – the region North experience in the field of nursing. The physical surroundings, assistant feeding and assistant technologies, aspects and dilemmas. Pernille Kronriis, B.Sc. Nutrition and Health and Bent Fuglsbjerg, Head of department, SOSU North, Aalborg. Abstract.  Slides
  • Facilitating learning and change in health care institutions. Kristian Larsen, Professor, Dept of Learning & Philosophy, Aalborg University. Abstract. Slides

  • Living and eating in dementia care – insights from China. Anna Birthe Bach, Director of internal training, Jiayi Senior Care. Abstract.  Slides

  • Assisted and independent senior living in China – how to handle food and eating. Ulla Lindegaard Hjorth, Yiheyuan Nursing & Senior home. Abstract.  Slides


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