
Digital Devices for Food & Health on Universitarium 2017


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1 The Virtual Shopper

The Virtual Shopper is a game designed with the help of Samsung VR and computer technology as to increase food literacy by providing information/fact on specific vegetables and fruits.

Shova Acharya, Luca Mangano, Bent Egberg Mikkelsen

Den virtuelle shopper er et læringsspil programeret i Unity og beregnet til at lære om det sunde valg i supermarkedet: Det består teknisk set af en  Samsung VR brille og en tilhørende telefon 

2 Eye4food Eye4Food is a tablet based learning tool used to create food literacy among children aged 3-6 year of age in kindergarten. The current version functions as a normal tablet. The new version will combine with an Eye Tribe eye tracking. The game contains pictures and names of plant foods. There are two sets of games. 1. Matching a name of fruit/vegetable with its picture among many pictures. 2. Matching a picture of fruit/vegetable with its name among many names. It is on both language Danish and English. Shova Acharya, Kenneth Berle, Bent Egberg Mikkelsen

Eye4food er et tablet baseret spil for 3-7 årige og er beregnet på at skabe maddannelse ved at udfordre børn til at kombinere billeder med ord når det gælder frugt og grønt

3 Gro Blåt & Grønt

GBG is a simple aquaponics plant designed to create food education among middle school aged children and uses the idea of ​​urban sustainable and circular food production as a case. The system has a built-in digital component, since the control of temperature, nutrients, pH etc is digitally  interfaced.

Collins Bosire, Tomasz Sikora, Bent Egberg Mikkelsen
GBG er et simpelt aquaponics anlæg beregnet til at skabe maddannelse blandt børn i mellemskole alderen og bruger ideen om urban bæredygtig og cirkulær fødevareproduktion som case. Anlægget har en indbygget digital komponent idet styring af temperatur, pH, næringsstofbalance etc sker vi et digitalt interface.
4 DIMS’en  The DIMS calorie identifier is composed of a digital camera, scales, an infrared thermometer and an RFID reader that can identify food on the plate – for example, what is meat, and what is sauce. The camera and the weight calculate the amount of food the patient's plate, and the resulting data is used to determine the quantity and types of food consumed and not consumed (= waste). Kwabena Ofei, Michal Dobrozynski, Bent Egberg Mikkelsen

Med DIMS’en får du adgang til at billedgenkendelse af tallerken anrettede måltider. DIMS’en består af et digitalt kamera, en vægt, et infrarødt termometer og en RFID-læser, som identificerer maden på tallerkenen, f.eks hvad der er kød, og hvad der er sovs. Kamera og vægt beregner mængden af mad på patientens tallerken, og data bliver brugt til at bestemme mængde og typer af fødevarer samt ikke-indtaget (= spild)

5 Veggie Matchi Veggie Matchi is an augmented smartphone game that teaches children about fruit and vegetables in an augmented reality. The game's plot evolves around the user's current geo tagged environment where the idea is to feed a pet with the right fruits and vegetables in order to get the right nutrients Ada Zawadzka, Neta Meilis, Luca Mangano, Bent Egberg Mikkelsen
Veggie Matchi er et augmenteret smartphone spil der skal lære børn om frugt og grønt i en augmenteret virkelighed. Spillets plot udvikler sig omkring brugerens aktuelle omgivelser hvor ideen er at fodre et kæle dyr med de rigtige frugt og grøntsager og næringsstoffer  

The Social Vegetable Nudge

SocioNux is a Persuasive Technology that aims at motivating canteen customers to make healthy choices based on real-time information about what other customers has been choosing – thus providing a socal nudge

Ioannis Fragos, Dionysos Mavragkas, Michal Dobrozynski, Bent Egberg Mikkelsen
SocioNux er en ”overbevisende” teknologi (Persuasive Technology) der har til formål at motivere kantine gæster til at træffe det sunde valg baseret på realtids information om hvad andre tidligere kunder har valgt – altså et social nudge 

1. The Virtual Shopper

2. Eye4food

3. Gro Blåt & Grønt

4. DIMS’en 

5. Veggie Matchi

6. The Social Vegetable Nudge