The future of innovation and sustainability in the food area is in the hands of young people. It requires creativity, critical and design thinking.

Last modified: 18.08.2019

And it requires understanding of science and STEM principles and ia basic understanding of data and ICT literacy. In other words new learning strategies are urgently needed. Come and see how we do it at the EAT YOUR SCIENCE & BITS event on Friday August 30th at the World Food Summit . Have a talk with the young people in the lab and see & try out some of the smart learning stations that they have been doing as rapid prototypes. The venue is Confederation of Danish Industry (DI), H. C. Andersens Boulevard 18, 1787 Copenhagen V and the timing is 30. August 2019, 10:00 - 16:00. It is hosted by The Young Peoples Food Lab & Aalborg University.

The Young Minds Food Lab is a test bed for developing edible learning strategies for school environments. It is a cooperation between Aalborg University Digital Foodscape Labs, Klima Zirkus, Data Science House, the schools of Dansborg, Herstedlund and Kokkedal and is aimed at developing smart solutions to current food challenges with a direct link to the sustainable development goals.

Four stations will be on display:

  1. Urban Food Lab - Design & control your own aquaponics facility for fish farming and micro greens growing.
  2. Kimchi lab - create a spicy fermentation process - with a New Nordic twist
  3. Jalapeno & Habanero chili hot spot - create a learning lab for smart biometrics to measure consumer and get a chili kick for free
  4. Robofood corner - program your Lego Robot to find the five basic flavors in the pantry

See a

. If you are not already a delegate for the Friday part of the meeting you will need to register in advance here.



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