Captive Foodscape Studies
CapFoodS is the meeting place for Captive Foodscape Studies community. It contains news, events and other important information in the growing field of Captive Foodscape Studies (CFS) Foodscape studies is a growing area of research among scientists engaged in the study of foodways and it claims to be offering a well suited conceptual foundation that can be used to accommodate the holistic approach that is needed to understand the complex social interactions taking place in relation to eating in an early age in preschool.
According to Adema (2007) foodscapes consists of cultural, economic, historical, personal, political and social landscapes that are related through food. Adema points to the ability of the notion of foodscapes to be able to describe relationships between people, food and surroundings (Adema, 2009). Foodscapes in institutional setting can be referred to as ‘captive foodscapes’ to illustrate the special importance of places where we eat frequently in “captive” daily life, such as schools, preschools and institutions (Mikkelsen, 2011; Mikkelsen 2014; Torralba & Guidalli, 2014). These foodscapes can be assumed to be of special dietary importance due to the high frequency of eating there.
The idea of foodscapes is further inspired by Gibson’s notion of affordances (1986). Affordances are the action possibilities that the environment offer and that comes into play through the perception of individuals. In this case the foodscape of the preschool can be argued to hold possibilities for promoting healthy eating as well as for creation of food literacy through both the foodservice and the learning potentials latent in the preschool environment. These possibilities exist in relation to the agents and as a result are dependent on the agents’ ability and willingness to recognize these capabilities.
New Green Food Geographies in the Making.
The city has increasingly become the epicenter for the re-thinking of the food system – a rethinking that has been fueled by the climate debate. Urban areas are responsible for a large part of the climate impact and is where the vast majority of the earth's population lives. But the city and the place is also part of the solution. Learn more on the Foodie Island of Denmark - Bornholm. It runs August 23-27 with arrival on Sunday afternoon and course start Monday morning.
Why do we need Research Infrastructures for Food, Nutrition and Health?
Good data and good labs are key to good nutrition research. Accessible data is even as important. And sharing those data has become much easier in the age of digitalisation.
Where to go to get the latest updates on Danish expertise?
How to use stereo cameras to determine food waste? How to train a machine to recognize food items on a plate? How to track in realtime food shopping by using card transactions? What was the outcome of the Richfields big food data project?
Get a sense of how young people work with food systems challenges of tomorrow
Its all at the C40 side event at Rainbow Square/Regnbuepladsen close to Town Hall Square.
Foodwaste mitigation - Need for international cooperation
Food waste is significant problem and its estimated that in the EU 20 percent of the total food produced is lost or wasted.
The future of innovation and sustainability in the food area is in the hands of young people. It requires creativity, critical and design thinking.
Time to Rethink
Food waste is significant problem and its estimated that in the EU, 20% of the total food produced is lost or wasted. It is known that households generate more than half of the total of the 47 million tonnes of food waste with a majority of 70% of it arising at household, food service and retail
Den internationale forskning er kommet langt når det gælder studiet af ”det lokale” og dets relation til maden og måltidet.
SoL projektet der blev udviklet på Bornholm, er et af de programmer der har været med til at skabe opmærksomhed internationalt om den ”nære” tilgang.
Places where tourists go there to spend their holidays exploring local cuisine?
And places where local products become known for their identity and connectedness to the land?
Og kan man bruge STEM principperne til at bygge bro mellem maddannelse og naturvidenskabsdannelse?
AAU Digital Foodscape Lab og SOUL-lab er med når Aalborg Universitet sammen med Altinget og Teknologipagten inviterer til konference om STEM -kompetencer og teknologiforståelse i det danske uddannelsessystem.
Frida - Lunch scheme arrangements in daycare facilities
EuroHPU - European Health Promoting Universities
EVIUS - Evaluating free school meals (in danish)
Undurn - New Nordic Food for Youth at School (in danish)
LOMA - Local food strategies for children and youth in public institutions
Breakfast club in vocational schools (in danish)
Farm2School Collaboration - Fostering Food Literacy
Periscope - Healthier Kindergartens (in danish)
OMIC - Research & evaluation (in danish)
Local food at school (in danish)
Food for work (in danish)
DAGMAR - The Learning Preschool Foodscape (in danish)
Staff list
Staff lists are temporarily unavailable. We are working on a solution. For the time being, employees can be searched for here: